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As the blessed month of Ramadan 2024 approaches, the needs of the poor and vulnerable increase. Fasting and breaking fast become a difficult task marred by the pain of deprivation. This is where our humanitarian and Islamic responsibility becomes greater, and it becomes more urgent to embody the morals of our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family.

Our Prophet was the best example of generosity and kindness. He used to give and donate more in this blessed month.

THEY Need US More in Ramadan!

The areas where our displaced people live in northwestern Syria and the Arsal camps in Lebanon are perhaps the best areas where we can be generous and give during Ramadan, especially since their wounds, hunger, thirst, and deprivation have been forgotten by some with the long duration of their crisis.

In the month of Ramadan, the difficult humanitarian conditions worsen, increasing the need for aid and humanitarian support to meet the basic needs of the affected population.

In this context, the displaced in northern Syria and Arsal face serious challenges related to water, food, and hygiene materials.

In terms of food security, the displaced are suffering from a severe shortage of basic food supplies and are unable to provide enough meals for their families. This leads to malnutrition and high rates of hunger among children and adults alike.

These problems increase during the month of Ramadan, as the demand for basic food items increases.

Orphans: Special Care!

The issue of orphans is a sensitive and open wound in the displacement areas. They have become orphans of both parents or one as a result of the war in Syria and the insistence of the Bashar al-Assad regime on suppressing its people.

Orphans, by their very nature, need support, assistance, and provision of their basic needs to survive. In the month of Ramadan, their need for care and attention increases, and their basic needs must be met and the appropriate conditions must be provided for them to spend this blessed month.

According to a report by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), there are about one million orphans in Syria, and 90% of them are not sponsored.

According to a United Nations report, about 680,000 children live in the displacement camps in northwestern Syria, a large percentage of whom are orphans who find it difficult to adapt to life and suffer from major psychological, health, and economic crises. Most of them find it difficult to secure the necessities of life and are absent from school.

In a separate statement, UNICEF warned that the 2023 earthquake and years of conflict in Syria have left millions of children at increased risk of malnutrition.

It documented that “grave violations of children’s rights” since the beginning of the conflict have resulted in the killing or injury of about 13,000 children in Syria, according to UN data.

According to UN estimates, more than 609,900 children under the age of five in Syria suffer from stunting caused by chronic malnutrition, which causes irreversible physical and mental damage to children. This affects their learning ability and productivity in adulthood.

Gharass Prepares!

Therefore, Gharass Charity Association works every year throughout the blessed month of Ramadan to respond to the needs of the displaced brothers in the areas of Idlib and Azaz in northwestern Syria and the Syrian refugees in Arsal, Lebanon. It provides assistance and extends a helping hand to them, and works to alleviate their suffering in this blessed month through the “Agood Al-Nas” campaigns.

Our new campaign “Agood Al-Nas 11” for the current year 2024 includes the following projects:

  • Distributing food baskets
  • Cooked Iftar meal
  • Uncooked meal
  • Eid al-Fitr clothes for children
  • Eid al-Fitr gifts

What have we achieved?

The number of beneficiaries at the end of the “Agood Al-Nas 10” campaign last year 2023 was more than 95,000 beneficiaries. It contributed to the management of fasting and breaking fast for the fasting people. We look forward to this Ramadan to bring joy and happiness to new families who have been exhausted by war and economic conditions in this blessed month through your donations.

The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said in his noble hadith: “Verily, charity extinguishes the anger of the Lord” (narrated by al-Tirmidhi).

Little means a lot to them.

The best people are those who benefit people the most.